Tuesday, January 9, 2024

3 Objects: A blue rock, an origami crane/dino, and a pig enter the stage…

 My Three Objects:

I will be honest, I had quite a hard time choosing my objects of choice. I have many trinkets whether they are found, gifted, acquired suspiciously.., horribly sculpted, or resemble the many many misshapen paper cranes that live across my shelf. This variety drove me nuts because every time I picked up an object, I worried about what it might mean to others, whether it would represent something I was or wasn’t trying to say. However, I decided to just choose the three objects that first came to mind as well as two others that I just couldn't go without. 

Here are my top three objects, and some honorable mentions:

1) Tear Drop Rock

I am obsessed with capsule machines and that is the origin of me getting this cool rock. I have a huge collection at home, but here I only have this one. There is this shop downtown that has a lot of thingies and doodads but I love twisty quarter machines. I haven’t gone back since early fall term but I usually go get a new rock when I need to store a feeling or memory into something. This rock specifically represents an appreciation I have for new things entering my life. 

2) Paper Crane / Dino

I love paper crafts so much. I folded these paper cranes all throughout high school. I have probably hit the 1,000 you  need for a wish, but I just like creating them and leaving them around places. I do them most often when I am bored or anxious. The Dino was a gift and I treasure him.

3) Screaming Pig

I found this pig in a BLICK art store. I gifted a second one to my boyfriend but there was something about this pig that just seemed very loud (like me sometimes). I took another photo of him beside a window seal but when I was experimenting with my lighting, I felt this blue tone captured his loud nature much better. I carry him in my pocket sometimes when I want to feel connected to home or need something to take my mind off of things.

My Honorable mentions:

Honorable Mention 1: Tin Pull-back Car

I got this tin car from some form of marketplace..I don't really remember, but the reason I chose it is because when I was a kid I loved to rip apart toy cars and put them back together. However with this one I did not rip it apart. I liked the design too much to mess with it. 

Honorable Mention 2: French's Crispy Onions

This is my favorite snack ever! (when it is in human size form). I don't know how I came to like it so much, and I can only have a few crispys before the salt kills me, but I absolutely love them. I got this as a gift from my boyfriend and it means a lot to me because where else do you get mini French's onion crispys???


  1. Very nice that you added some honorable mentions. I especially like that you provided a personal background to all of these. I found myself looking for something that I hadn't seen before but I can tell that you put a lot of thought into these.

  2. I love Screaming Pig! The stories you've shared about these objects are interesting. Also, I really agree that choosing objects is hard. I think honorable mentioned are also great!


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